Gig Review- Peter Hook and The Light

When going to a gig, for me it always treads that line was it really value for money? There have been loads of times when I can remember I just got totally ripped off.

One instance I can remember was where Arctic Monkeys was when it was like 70 quid to see them in Marley Park about 3 years ago and it was bad. I remember them playing nearly everything from AM and it just didn’t work at all. Could’ve spent that 70 quid on like 30 spice bags so I’m always angry when I remind myself of that.

I can gladly always say that Peter Hook and his band The Light are always great value for money. Last time he came in 2015 playing the New Order albums ‘Low-Life’ and ‘Brotherhood’. It was only like 2 quid and he played for like three hours and it was brilliant from start to finish.


The timing at gigs is kinda crucial for me and its a very fine line you have to walk. Play too short and I’m pissed (like at Arctic Monkeys once again) or too long (like several bad opening acts) but Hook always bucks that trend.

By the time I’d enter the venue it was perfect timing as Hooky appeared on stage, ready to basically play for three hours and what three hours they were.


Being my biggest inspiration when it comes to playing bass guitar and trying to endlessly copy his style, seeing Hook in action just playing the bass to the songs was another plus in itself.

Playing the New Order and Joy Division Substance albums, Hook absolutely tore into the songs, showing why Joy Division and New Order are some of the best bands to ever have existed.

The show was split into two completely opposite halves.

New Order’s Substance emphasized the pop and dance aspect of New Order perfectly, with some great moments, especially the performance of the great and overlooked ‘1963’.

By the time he came back on for Joy Division’s Substance, Hook tore the house down with his absolute punk energy, even in moments of the slow songs like ‘Atmosphere’. To go from hearing these songs from the records to the live environment was definitely an amazing moment and makes the songs stand out better.

By the time he’d finished ‘Love Will Tear Us Apart’, it was almost like a religious chant or something. This throng of random people just religiously singing the song word for word was an incredible moment.

With his bass playing at the forefront, Hook showed why these songs will always stand the test of time and how he will always be value for money, even at 25 quid.




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